Unfortunately, there are currently scammers who use our photos and videos. We are in no way involved in sites such as:
- 928-944PartsWholesale.shop
If you have placed an order, we recommend reporting to the police. If you encounter an advertisement via Facebook and / or Instagram would you like to report this? This way we get these pages offline faster.
With Facebook this is possible via the steps below:
- Open the Facebook-App for iOS or Android.
- Go to the page that occurs as something or someone else.
- Tap at the top right and select SELECT SEARCH OR PAGE report.
- Select scam and fake pages.
And at Instagram this is possible via the steps below:
- Tap the overview, story message or your chat on the person's username. You can also tap and search the person's username to go to his or her profile.
- Tap at the top right of the profile.
- Tap Report.